Search Results: "spectra"

9 October 2016

Bits from Debian: Debian is participating in the next round of Outreachy!

Following the success of the last round of Outreachy, we are glad to announce that Debian will take part in the program for the next round, with internships lasting from the 6th of December 2016 to the 6th of March 2017. From the official website: Outreachy helps people from groups underrepresented in free and open source software get involved. We provide a supportive community for beginning to contribute any time throughout the year and offer focused internship opportunities twice a year with a number of free software organizations. Currently, internships are open internationally to women (cis and trans), trans men, and genderqueer people. Additionally, they are open to residents and nationals of the United States of any gender who are Black/African American, Hispanic/Latin@, American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander. If you want to apply to an internship in Debian, you should take a look at the wiki page, and contact the mentors for the projects listed, or seek more information on the (public) debian-outreach mailing-list. You can also contact the Outreach Team directly. If you have a project idea and are willing to mentor an intern, you can submit a project idea on the Outreachy wiki page. Here's a few words on what the interns for the last round achieved within Outreachy: Debian would not be able to participate in Outreachy without the help of the Software Freedom Conservancy, who provides administrative support for Outreachy, as well as the continued support of Debian's donors, who provide funding for the internships. If you want to donate, please get in touch with one of our trusted organizations. Debian is looking forward to welcoming new interns for the next few months, come join us!

30 September 2016

Chris Lamb: Free software activities in September 2016

Here is my monthly update covering what I have been doing in the free software world (previous month):
Reproducible builds

Whilst anyone can inspect the source code of free software for malicious flaws, most Linux distributions provide binary (or "compiled") packages to end users. The motivation behind the Reproducible Builds effort is to allow verification that no flaws have been introduced either maliciously and accidentally during this compilation process by promising identical binary packages are always generated from a given source. My work in the Reproducible Builds project was also covered in our weekly reports #71, #72, #71 & #74. I made the following improvements to our tools:


diffoscope is our "diff on steroids" that will not only recursively unpack archives but will transform binary formats into human-readable forms in order to compare them.

  • Added a global Progress object to track the status of the comparison process allowing for graphical and machine-readable status indicators. I also blogged about this feature in more detail.
  • Moved the global Config object to a more Pythonic "singleton" pattern and ensured that constraints are checked on every change.


disorderfs is our FUSE filesystem that deliberately introduces nondeterminism into the results of system calls such as readdir(3).

  • Display the "disordered" behaviour we intend to show on startup. (#837689)
  • Support relative paths in command-line parameters (previously only absolute paths were permitted).


strip-nondeterminism is our tool to remove specific information from a completed build.

  • Fix an issue where temporary files were being left on the filesystem and add a test to avoid similar issues in future. (#836670)
  • Print an error if the file to normalise does not exist. (#800159)
  • Testsuite improvements:
    • Set the timezone in tests to avoid a FTBFS and add a File::StripNondeterminism::init method to the API to to set tzset everywhere. (#837382)
    • "Smoke test" the strip-nondeterminism(1) and dh_strip_nondeterminism(1) scripts to prevent syntax regressions.
    • Add a testcase for .jar file ordering and normalisation.
    • Check the stripping process before comparing file attributes to make it less confusing on failure.
    • Move to a lookup table for descriptions of stat(1) indices and use that for nicer failure messages.
    • Don't uselessly test whether the inode number has changed.
  • Run perlcritic across the codebase and adopt some of its prescriptions including explicitly using oct(..) for integers with leading zeroes, avoiding mixing high and low-precedence booleans, ensuring subroutines end with a return statement, etc.

I also submitted 4 patches to fix specific reproducibility issues in golang-google-grpc, nostalgy, python-xlib & torque.


Patches contributed

Debian LTS

This month I have been paid to work 12.75 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS). In that time I did the following:
  • "Frontdesk" duties, triaging CVEs, etc.
  • Issued DLA 608-1 for mailman fixing a CSRF vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 611-1 for jsch correcting a path traversal vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 620-1 for libphp-adodb patching a SQL injection vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 631-1 for unadf correcting a buffer underflow issue.
  • Issued DLA 634-1 for dropbear fixing a buffer overflow when parsing ASN.1 keys.
  • Issued DLA 635-1 for dwarfutils working around an out-of-bounds read issue.
  • Issued DLA 638-1 for the SELinux policycoreutils, patching a sandbox escape issue.
  • Enhanced Brian May's find-work --unassigned switch to take an optional "except this user" argument.
  • Marked matrixssl and inspircd as being unsupported in the current LTS version.

  • python-django 1:1.10.1-1 New upstream release and ensure that django-admin startproject foo creates files with the correct shebang under Python 3.
  • gunicorn:
    • 19.6.0-5 Don't call chown(2) if it would be a no-op to avoid failure under snap.
    • 19.6.0-6 Remove now-obsolete conffiles and logrotate scripts; they should have been removed in 19.6.0-3.
  • redis:
    • 3.2.3-2 Call ulimit -n 65536 by default from SysVinit scripts to normalise the behaviour with systemd. I also bumped the Debian package epoch as the "2:" prefix made it look like we are shipping version 2.x. I additionaly backported this upload to Debian Jessie.
    • 3.2.4-1 New upstream release, add missing -ldl for dladdr(3) & add missing dependency on lsb-base.
  • python-redis (2.10.5-2) Bump python-hiredis to Suggests to sync with Ubuntu and move to a machine-readable debian/copyright. I also backported this upload to Debian Jessie.
  • adminer (4.2.5-3) Move mysql-server dependencies to default-mysql-server. I also backported this upload to Debian Jessie.
  • gpsmanshp (1.2.3-5) on behalf of the QA team:
    • Move to "minimal" debhelper style, making the build reproducible. (#777446 & #792991)
    • Reorder linker command options to build with --as-needed (#729726) and add hardening flags.
    • Move to machine-readable copyright file, add missing #DEBHELPER# tokens to postinst and prerm scripts, tidy descriptions & other debian/control fields and other smaller changes.

I sponsored the upload of 5 packages from other developers:

I also NMU'd:

FTP Team

As a Debian FTP assistant I ACCEPTed 147 packages: alljoyn-services-1604, android-platform-external-doclava, android-platform-system-tools-aidl, aufs, bcolz, binwalk, bmusb, bruteforce-salted-openssl, cappuccino, captagent, chrome-gnome-shell, ciphersaber, cmark, colorfultabs, cppformat, dnsrecon, dogtag-pki, dxtool, e2guardian, flask-compress, fonts-mononoki, fwknop-gui, gajim-httpupload, glbinding, glewmx, gnome-2048, golang-github-googleapis-proto-client-go, google-android-installers, gsl, haskell-hmatrix-gsl, haskell-relational-query, haskell-relational-schemas, haskell-secret-sharing, hindsight, i8c, ip4r, java-string-similarity, khal, khronos-opencl-headers, liblivemedia, libshell-config-generate-perl, libshell-guess-perl, libstaroffice, libxml2, libzonemaster-perl, linux, linux-grsec-base, linux-signed, lua-sandbox, lua-torch-trepl, mbrola-br2, mbrola-br4, mbrola-de1, mbrola-de2, mbrola-de3, mbrola-ir1, mbrola-lt1, mbrola-lt2, mbrola-mx1, mimeo, mimerender, mongo-tools, mozilla-gnome-keyring, munin, node-grunt-cli, node-js-yaml, nova, open-build-service, openzwave, orafce, osmalchemy, pgespresso, pgextwlist, pgfincore, pgmemcache, pgpool2, pgsql-asn1oid, postbooks-schema, postgis, postgresql-debversion, postgresql-multicorn, postgresql-mysql-fdw, postgresql-unit, powerline-taskwarrior, prefix, pycares, pydl, pynliner, pytango, pytest-cookies, python-adal, python-applicationinsights, python-async-timeout, python-azure, python-azure-storage, python-blosc, python-can, python-canmatrix, python-chartkick, python-confluent-kafka, python-jellyfish, python-k8sclient, python-msrestazure, python-nss, python-pytest-benchmark, python-tenacity, python-tmdbsimple, python-typing, python-unidiff, python-xstatic-angular-schema-form, python-xstatic-tv4, quilt, r-bioc-phyloseq, r-cran-filehash, r-cran-png, r-cran-testit, r-cran-tikzdevice, rainbow-mode, repmgr, restart-emacs, restbed, ruby-azure-sdk, ruby-babel-source, ruby-babel-transpiler, ruby-diaspora-prosody-config, ruby-haikunator, ruby-license-finder, ruby-ms-rest, ruby-ms-rest-azure, ruby-rails-assets-autosize, ruby-rails-assets-blueimp-gallery, ruby-rails-assets-bootstrap, ruby-rails-assets-bootstrap-markdown, ruby-rails-assets-emojione, ruby-sprockets-es6, ruby-timeliness, rustc, skytools3, slony1-2, snmp-mibs-downloader, syslog-ng, test-kitchen, uctodata, usbguard, vagrant-azure, vagrant-mutate & vim.

14 August 2016

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible Builds: week 68 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday August 7 and Saturday August 13 2016: GSoC and Outreachy updates Reproducible work in other projects Thomas Schmitt implemented a new -as mkisofs option:
--set_all_file_dates timestring
Set mtime, atime, and ctime of all files and directories to  the
given time.
Valid  timestring  formats  are:  'Nov  8  14:51:13  CET  2007',
110814512007.13, 2007110814511300. See also --modification-date=
and man xorriso, Examples of input timestrings.
This  action  stays  delayed until mkisofs emulation ends. Up to
then it  can  be  revoked  by  --set_all_file_dates  with  empty
timestring.   In  any  case  files  which get into the ISO after
mkisofs emulation ended will not  be  affected,  unless  another
mkisofs emulation applies --set_all_file_date again.
LEDE developer Jonas Gorski submitted a patch to fix build times in their kernel:
kernel: allow reproducable builds
Similar how we fix the file times in the filesystems, fix the build time
of the kernel, and make the build number static. This should allow the
kernel build to be reproducable when combined with setting the
KERNEL\_BUILD\_USER and \_DOMAIN in case of different machines.
The reproducability only applies to non-initramfs kernels, those still
require additional changes.
Signed-off-by: Jonas Gorski <>
Packages reviewed and fixed, and bugs filed Patches have been submitted by: Package reviews 28 reviews have been added, 4 have been updated and 7 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about identified issues. Issue types have been added/updated: Weekly QA work FTBFS bugs have been reported by: diffoscope development strip-nondeterminism development Misc. Chris started to ping old bugs with patches and no maintainer reaction so far. This week's edition was written by Chris Lamb and Holger Levsen and reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC.

1 August 2016

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible builds: week 65 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday July 17 and Saturday July 23 2016: GSoC and Outreachy updates Valerie Young wrote an update about her Outreachy progress on Packages reviewed and fixed, and bugs filed Patches have been submitted by: Package reviews 17 package reviews have been added and 4 have been updated. adding to our knowledge about identified issues. Some issues have been updated: Weekly QA work FTBFS bugs have been reported by: diffoscope development strip-nondeterminism development reprotest development Misc. This week's edition was written by Chris Lamb and reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible builds folks on IRC.

17 July 2016

Valerie Young: Work after DebConf

First week after DebCamp and DebConf! Both were incredible the debian project and it s contributors never fail to impress and delight me. None the less it felt great to have a few quiet, peaceful days of uninterrupted programming. Notes about last week: 1. Finished Mattia s final suggestions for the conversion of the package set pages script to python. Hopefully it will be deployed soon, awaiting final approval  2. Replace the bash code that produced the left navigation on the home page (and most other pages) with the mustache template the python scripts use. Previously, html was constructed and spat out from both a python and shell script now we have a single, DRY mustache template. (At the top of the bash function that produced the navigation html, you will find the comment: this is really quite incomprehensible and should be killed, the solution is to write all html pages with python . Turns out the intermediate solution is to use templates  ) 3. Thought hard about navigation of the test website, and redesigned (by rearranging) links in the left hand navigation. After code review, you will see these changes as well! Things to look forward to include:
A link to the Debian dashboard on the top left of every page (except the package specific pages).
The title of each page (except the package pages) stretches across the whole page (instead of being squashed into the top left).
Hover text has been added to most links in the left navigation.
Links in left navigation have been reordered, and headers added. Once you see the changes, please let me know if you think anything is unintuitive or confusion, everything can be easily changed! 4. Cross suite and architecture navigation enabled for most pages. For most pages, you will be one click away from seeing the same statistics for a different suite or architecture! Whoo! Notes about next week: Last week I got carried away imagining minor improvements that can be made to the test websites UI, and I now have a backlog of ideas I d like to implement. I ve begun editing the script that makes most of the pages with statistics or package list (for example, all packages with notes, or all recently tested packages) to use templates and contain a bit more descriptive text. I d also like to do a some revamping of the package set pages I converted. These addition UI changes will be my first tasks for the coming week since they are fresh on my mind and I m quite excited about them. The following week I d like to get back to extensibility and database issues mentioned previously!

3 July 2016

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible builds: week 61 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between June 19th and June 25th 2016. Media coverage GSoC and Outreachy updates Toolchain fixes Other upstream fixes Emil Velikov searched on IRC for hints on how to guarantee unique values during build to invalidate shader caches in Mesa, when also no VCS information is available. A possible solution is a timestamp, which is unique enough for local builds, but can still be reproducible by allowing it to be overwritten with SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH. Packages fixed The following 9 packages have become reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: cclib librun-parts-perl llvm-toolchain-snapshot python-crypto python-openid r-bioc-shortread r-bioc-variantannotation ruby-hdfeos5 sqlparse The following packages have become reproducible after being fixed: Some uploads have fixed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them: Patches submitted that have not made their way to the archive yet: Package reviews 139 reviews have been added, 20 have been updated and 21 have been removed in this week. New issues found: 53 FTBFS bugs have been reported by Chris Lamb, Santiago Vila and Mateusz ukasik. diffoscope development Quote of the week "My builds are so reproducible, they fail exactly every second time." Johannes Ziemke (@discordianfish) Misc. This week's edition was written by Chris Lamb (lamby), Reiner Herrmann and Holger Levsen and reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible builds folks on IRC.

20 June 2016

Valerie Young: Week 2 on Reproducible Builds

Here is a small update for last week s work: 1. Templates now has a templating system, instead of writing HTML in python files  We are using mustache with pystache. So far, only the html for the package pages have been converted. 2. Navigation improvements on package pages While converting the package pages to using mustache I also rearranged the navigation bar, adding sections and hover text. Navigation improvements inspired by Gerts Wollney s email requests. Please check out the changes and provide feedback:<your-favorite-package> 3. Began converting script from bash to python Before converting the rest of the site to mustache, I spent a day digging into the last unconverted bash script (all other html producing scripts are python). I ve never written or read that much bash, yet another learning opportunity I have to admit it s a bit less intuitive than python  Up next: Finish converting package set script, create more mustache templates, more site improvements! Then fly to South Africa.

15 June 2016

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible builds: week 59 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between June 5th and June 11th 2016: Media coverage Ed Maste gave a talk at BSDCan 2016 on reproducible builds (slides, video). GSoC and Outreachy updates Weekly reports by our participants: Documentation update - Ximin Luo proposed a modification to our SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH spec explaining FORCE_SOURCE_DATE. Some upstream build tools (e.g. TeX, see below) have expressed a desire to control which cases of embedded timestamps should obey SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH. They were not convinced by our arguments on why this is a bad idea, so we agreed on an environment variable FORCE_SOURCE_DATE for them to implement their desired behaviour - named generically, so that at least we can set it centrally. For more details, see the text just linked. However, we strongly urge most build tools not to use this, and instead obey SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH unconditionally in all cases. Toolchain fixes Packages fixed The following 16 packages have become reproducible due to changes in their build-dependencies: apertium-dan-nor apertium-swe-nor asterisk-prompt-fr-armelle blktrace canl-c code-saturne coinor-symphony dsc-statistics frobby libphp-jpgraph proxycheck pybit spip tircd xbs The following 5 packages are new in Debian and appear to be reproducible so far: golang-github-bowery-prompt golang-github-pkg-errors golang-gopkg-dancannon-gorethink.v2 libtask-kensho-perl sspace The following packages had older versions which were reproducible, and their latest versions are now reproducible again after being fixed: The following packages have become reproducible after being fixed: Some uploads have fixed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them: Patches submitted that have not made their way to the archive yet: Package reviews 68 reviews have been added, 19 have been updated and 28 have been removed in this week. New and updated issues: 26 FTBFS bugs have been reported by Chris Lamb, 1 by Santiago Vila and 1 by Sascha Steinbiss. diffoscope development strip-nondeterminism development disorderfs development Misc. Steven Chamberlain submitted a patch to FreeBSD's makefs to allow reproducible builds of the kfreebsd installer. Ed Maste committed a patch to FreeBSD's binutils to enable determinstic archives by default in GNU ar. Helmut Grohne experimented with cross+native reproductions of dash with some success, using rebootstrap. This week's edition was written by Ximin Luo, Chris Lamb, Holger Levsen, Mattia Rizzolo and reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible builds folks on IRC.

10 June 2016

Valerie Young: Week 1 on Reproducible Builds

In this post I m reviewing what I ve done the last 6 days of Outreachy-funded reproducible builds work, outline what I plan to do the next two weeks, and speculate on long term goals. For those of you involved in the Debian reproducible builds project, please provide feedback about future plans and work! Week One review One week of Outreachy completed! What have I done? The change that broke everything was the addition of a directory: The directory was added to contain all Debian-specific pages, in line with the other project s reproducible builds status pages: arch linux, fedora, coreboot, etcs. Previously, all Debian pages we simply served directly out of the DocumentRoot. To fix all the broken things, I m pretty sure I had to find, inspect, and add /debian or change global variables within every file pointer in the entire tests website. Sometime tedious, but chasing down bugs and complaints was mostly fun  I also learned (everything I now know) about Apache websites, redirects, the website/navigation/directory structure of, and the roles of many of the reproducible scripts in Week Two plan What will or should I do next? In the short term, over the next two weeks, I hope to make useful improvements to the tests website and backend while continuing to get up to speed (as well as learn Python). Have other thoughts about minor improvements to Please let me know! The above list is not internally prioritized, feel free to ask for things to be bubbled up. Longer-term goals My long term summer goal is to make the Debian test code more easily extensible to show the reproducible results from other projects. This will lower the barrier for new projects to keep track of the reproducibility of their code, for great good. This starts with the reproducible.db database, which presently only tracks reproducible testing results for the Debian project. The reproducible builds project s needs have outgrown the original SQLight database, so this redesigning includes a migration to Postgre. Goals of the redesign include ease of querying/comparing packages across distributions, as well as generalization to include results from projects other than Debian. I ll start on this work in two weeks, when I get to DebCamp!  Redesigning the database will also lead to updating the python script which use that data to produce the Debian tests website. Other project scripts (like Fedora, RedHat and Coreboot) can then be updated to track results in the database as well, instead simply directly producing their own test websites. update: as an intermediate step before redesigned the reproducible.db database to handle multiple projects h01ger recommended I help the FreeBSD project recorded tests to a FreeBSD specific database.

31 May 2016

Chris Lamb: Free software activities in May 2016

Here is my monthly update covering a large part of what I have been doing in the free software world (previously):
Debian My work in the Reproducible Builds project was covered in our weekly reports. (#53, #54, #55, #56 & #57)
Debian LTS

This month I have been paid to work 18 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS). In that time I did the following:
  • A week of "frontdesk" duties, triaging CVEs, assigning tasks, etc.
  • Issued DLA 464-1 for libav, a multimedia player, server, encoder and transcoder library that fixed a use-after free vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 469-1 for libgwenhywfar (an OS abstraction layer that allows porting of software to different operating systems like Linux, *BSD, Windows, etc.) correcting the use of an outdated CA certificate bundle.
  • Issued DLA 470-1 for libksba, a X.509 and CMS certificate support library. patching a buffer vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 474-1 for dosfstools, a collection of utilities for making and checking MS-DOS FAT filesystems, fixing an invalid memory and heap overflow vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 482-1 for libgd2 graphics library, rectifying a stack consumption vulnerability.

  • python-django (1.9.6-1) New upstream bugfix release.
  • redis (3.2.0-1, etc.) New upstream release, correct build on more exotic architectures and minor packaging fixups.
  • gunicorn (19.5.0-1 & 19.6.0-1) New upstream releases and minor packaging fixups.

28 May 2016

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RcppArmadillo

armadillo image The first Armadillo release of the 7.* series is out: a new version 7.100.3. We uploaded RcppArmadillo to CRAN and Debian. This followed the usual thorough reverse-dependecy checking of by now 230 packages using it. This release now requires a recent enough compiler. As g++ is so common, we explicitly test for version 4.6 or newer. So if you happen to be on an older RHEL or CentOS release, you may need to get yourself a more modern compiler. R on Windows is now at 4.9.3 which is decent (yet stable) choice; the 4.8 series of g++ will also do. For reference, the current LTS of Ubuntu is at 5.3.1, and we have g++ 6.1 available in Debian testing. This new upstream release adds a few new helper functions (which are particularly useful in statistics, but were of course already available to us via Rcpp), more slicing of Cube data structures and a brand new sparse matrix decomposition module courtesy of Yixuan Qiu -- whom R users know as the author of the RSpectra package (which replaces his older rArpack package) and of course all the most excellent work he provided to RcppEigen. Armadillo is a powerful and expressive C++ template library for linear algebra aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use with a syntax deliberately close to a Matlab. Changes in this release are as follows:
Changes in RcppArmadillo version (2016-05-25)
  • Upgraded to Armadillo test release 7.100.3
    • added erf(), erfc(), lgamma()
    • added .head_slices() and .tail_slices() to subcube views
    • spsolve() now requires SuperLU 5.2
    • eigs_sym(), eigs_gen() and svds() now use a built-in reimplementation of ARPACK for real (non-complex) matrices (code contributed by Yixuan Qiu)
  • The configure code now checks against old g++ version which are no longer sufficient to build the package.
Courtesy of CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report for this release. As always, more detailed information is on the RcppArmadillo page. Questions, comments etc should go to the rcpp-devel mailing list off the R-Forge page.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

22 May 2016

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible builds: week 56 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between May 15th and May 21st 2016: Media coverage Blog posts from our GSoC and Outreachy contributors: Documentation update Ximin Luo clarified instructions on how to set SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH. Toolchain fixes Other upstream fixes Packages fixed The following 18 packages have become reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: abiword angband apt-listbugs asn1c bacula-doc bittornado cdbackup fenix gap-autpgrp gerbv jboss-logging-tools invokebinder modplugtools objenesis pmw r-cran-rniftilib x-loader zsnes The following packages have become reproducible after being fixed: Some uploads have fixed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them: Patches submitted that have not made their way to the archive yet: Reproducibility-related bugs filed: Package reviews 51 reviews have been added, 19 have been updated and 15 have been removed in this week. 22 FTBFS bugs have been reported by Chris Lamb, Santiago Vila, Niko Tyni and Daniel Schepler. Misc. This week's edition was written by Reiner Herrmann and Holger Levsen and reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible builds folks on IRC.

19 May 2016

Valerie Young: Summer of Reproducible Builds

Hello friend, family, fellow Outreachy participants, and the Debian community!
This blog's primary purpose will be to track the progress of the Outreachy project in which I'm participating this summer    This post is to introduce myself and my project (working on the Debian reproducible builds project).
What is Outreachy? You might not know! Let me empower you: Outreachy is an organization connecting woman and minorities to mentors in the free (as in freedom) software community, /and/ funding for three months to work with the mentors and contribute to a free software project.  If you are a woman or minority human that likes free software, or if you know anyone in this situation, please tell them about Outreachy   Or put them in touch with me, I'd happily tell them more.
So who am I?
My name is Valerie Young. I live in the Boston Metropolitan Area (any other outreachy participants here?) and hella love free software. 
Some bullet pointed Val facts in rough reverse chronological order:
- I run Debian but only began contributing during the Outreachy application process
- If you went to DebConf2015, you might have seen me dye nine people's hair blue, blond or Debian swirl.
- If you stop through Boston I could be easily convinced to dye your hair.
- I worked on electronic medical records web application for the last two years (lotsa Javascriptin' and Perlin' at athenahealth)
- Before that I taught a programming summer program at University of Moratuwain Sri Lanka.
- Before that I got a degrees in physics and computer science at Boston University.
- At BU I helped start a hackerspace where my interest in technology, free software, hacker culture, anarchy, the internet all began.
- I grew up in the very fine San Francisco Bay Area.
What will I be working on?
Reproducible builds!
In the near future I'll write a  What is reproducible builds? Why is it so hot right now?  post.  For now, from a high (and not technical) level, reproducible builds is a broad effort to verify that the computer executable binary programs you run on your computer come from the human readable source code they claim to. It is not presently /impossible/ to do this verification, but it's not easy, and there are a lot of nuanced computer quirks that make it difficult for the most experienced programmer and straight-up impossible for a user with no technical expertise. And without this ability to verify -- the state we are in now -- any executable piece of software could be hiding secret code. 
The first step towards the goal of verifiability is to make reproducibility a essential part of software development. Reproducible builds means this: when you compile a program from the source code, it should always be identical, bit by bit. If the program is always identical, you can compare your version of the software to any trusted programmer with very little effort. If it is identical, you can trust it -- if it's not, you have reason to worry.
The Debian project is undergoing an effort to make the entire Debian operating system verifiable reproducible (hurray!). My outreachy-funded summer contribution involves the improving and updating   a site that presently presently surfaces the results of reproducibility testing of several free software projects (including Debian, Fedora, coreboot, OpenWrt, NetBSD, FreeBSD and ArchLinux). However, the design of is a bit confusing, making it difficult for a user to find how to check on the reproducibility of a given package for one of the aforementioned projects, or understand the reasons for failure. Additional, the backend test results of Debian are outgrowing the original SQLite database, and many projects do not log the results of package testing at all. I hope, by the end of the summer, we'll have a more beefed-out and pretty site as well as better organized backend data  
This summer there will be 3 other Outreachy participants working on the Debian reproducible builds project! Check out their blogs/projects:
Thanks to our Debian mentors -- Lunar, Holger Levsen, and Mattia Rizzolo -- for taking us on   

21 February 2016

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 43 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort between February 14th and February 20th 2016:

Toolchain fixes Yaroslav Halchenko uploaded cython/0.23.4+git4-g7eed8d8-1 which makes its output deterministic. Original patch by Chris Lamb. Didier Raboud uploaded pyppd/1.0.2-3 to experimental which now serialize PPD deterministically. Lunar submitted two patches for lcms to add a way for clients to set the creation date/time in profile headers and initialize all bytes when writing named colors.

Packages fixed The following packages have become reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: dbconfig-common, dctrl-tools, dvdwizard, ekg2, expeyes, galternatives, gpodder, icewm, latex-mk, libiio, lives, navit, po4a, tasksel, tilda, vdr-plugin-infosatepg, xaos. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them: Unknown status:
  • tomcat7/7.0.68-1 by Emmanuel Bourg (test suite fails in test environment).
Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet:
  • #814840 on tor by Petter Reinholdtsen: use the UTC timezone when calling asciidoc.
  • #815082 on arachne-pnr by Dhole: use the C locale to format the changelog date.
  • #815192 on manpages-de by Reiner Herrmann: tell grep to always treat the input as text so that it works with non-UTF-8 locales.
  • #815193 on razorqt by Reiner Herrmann: tell grep to always treat the input as text so that it works with non-UTF-8 locales.
  • #815250 on jacal by Reiner Herrmann: use the C locale to format the build date.
  • #815252 on colord by Lunar: remove extra timestamps when generating CMF and spectra and implement support for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH. Two new package sets have been added: freedombox and freedombox_build-depends. (h01ger)

diffoscope development diffoscope version 49 was released on February 17th. It continues to improve handling of debug symbols for ELF files. Their content will now be compared separately to make them more readable. The search for matching debug packages is more efficient by looking only for .deb files in the same parent directory. Alongside more bug fixes, support for ICC profiles has been added, and libarchive is now also used to read metadata for ar archives.

strip-nondeterminism development Reiner Herrmann added support to normalize Gettext .mo files.

Package reviews 170 reviews have been removed, 172 added and 54 updated in the previous week. 34 new FTBFS bugs have been opened by Chris Lamb, h01ger and Reiner Herrmann. New issues added this week: lxqt_translate_desktop_binary_file_matched_under_certain_locales, timestamps_in_manpages_generated_by_autogen. Improvements to the prebuilder script: avoid ccache, skip disorderfs hook if device nodes cannot be created, compatibility with grsec trusted path execution (Reiner Herrmann), code cleanup (Esa Peuha).

Misc. Steven Chamberlain highlighted reproducibility problems due to differences in how Linux and FreeBSD handle permissions for symlinks. Some possible ways forward have been discussed on the reproducible-builds mailing list. Bernhard M. Wiedemann reported on some reproducibility tests made on OpenSuse mentioning the growing support for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH. If you are eligible for Outreachy or Google Summer of Code, consider spending the summer working on reproducible builds!

30 November 2015

Pablo Lorenzzoni: Duas dicas para acelerar o APT

s vezes voc s quer um pouco mais de velocidade nos downloads do APT e n o tem muito como modificar muito a instala o do cliente. Duas dicas simples podem ganhar minutos preciosos: Coloque em algum dos /etc/apt.conf.d (sugiro criar o /etc/apt.conf.d/71parallel) a seguinte linha:
Acquire::Queue-Mode "host";
Isso faz com que o modo de queue do APT seja orientado ao host e n o ao tipo de URL. Dependendo dos seus sources, isso acelera mais do que o modo access padr o. A segunda dica um hack que encontrei h algum tempo em um blog que faz o download pr vio das URLs que ser o utilizadas na opera o do APT para o /var/cache/apt/archives usando xargs:
(apt-get -y --print-uris $@ egrep -o -e "http://[^\']+" xargs -r -l$ NBATCH -P$ NPARALLEL wget -nv -P "/var/cache/apt/archives/") && apt-get $@
Ajuste os par metros NBATCH e NPARALLEL e boa sorte.

10 February 2014

Mario Lang: Neurofunkcasts

I have always loved Drum and Bass. In 2013 I rediscovered my love for Darkstep and Neurofunk, and found that these genres have developed quite a lot in the recent years. Some labels like Black Sun Empire and Evol Intent produce mixes/sets on a regular basis as podcasts these days. This article aggregates some neurofunk podcasts I like a lot, most recent first. Enjoy 33 hours and 57 minutes of fun with dark and energizing beats. Thanks to BSE Contrax and Evol Intent for providing such high quality sets. You can also see the Python source for the program that was used to generate this page.

3 December 2012

Pablo Lorenzzoni: Nostalgia time

My parents will soon be moving to a smaller home, so they are digging up a lot of stuff of my sister and mine past. Among my stuff, they just sent me my first computer (which was, of course, the first computer of my father s company I was using in the spare time). I couldn t believe they kept that. It was an Unitron Apple ][ 64K!! I just had it cleaned and took this picture: Due to the closed informatics market Brazilians were subject to at the time, it came with a full set of manuals in Portuguese which taught me how to code in Basic (I was too young to learn English at the time) Interesting how a bad policy like that can result in a Good Thing sometimes. :-) Is it just me or does this picture made you nostalgic also?

20 November 2012

Pablo Lorenzzoni: Decision-making by flipping a coin

Yesterday I was discussing in an online board how to break a decision deadlock in life. There are real deadlocks, but I don t think they are very frequent most of the time, doing a pros and cons analysis is enough to decide what to do. Sometimes our judgement is impaired by lack of objectivity or by our inability to see things from a different point of view (it s hard to think straight when everything seems to be falling apart around you); talking to a friend or relative can help in these situations. But there are times when nothing helps. When you are really stuck and nothing seems to break the deadlock. At these times I give it one or two days, sleep on the issue and if I cannot come up with a decision I assume the alternatives are equivalent to me and just flip a coin. Of course, this will do if you can postpone the decision, giving yourself (and your inner self) time to decide on a course-of-action. But is there some way to speed up the process? During the discussion, someone came up with a rather smart quote by Rothstein character in Boardwalk Empire TV series:
Flip a coin. When it s in the air, you ll know what side you re hoping for.
I found it an interesting way to give your inner self an ultimatum: decide or luck will decide instead. I ve never did it like that, for I would not flip a coin unless it s my last resort. Being such a clever psychological idea, I doubted it originated in the TV series itself, so I went on pursue of the original idea. I found a Danish poet and mathematician called Piet Hein, who wrote a poem about it circa 1969:
A PSYCHOLOGICAL TIP Whenever you re called on to make up your mind,
and you re hampered by not having any,
the best way to solve the dilemma, you ll find,
is simply by spinning a penny.
No not so that chance shall decide the affair
while you re passively standing there moping;
but the moment the penny is up in the air,
you suddenly know what you re hoping.
And also, there are a Donald Duck comic called Flip Decision circa 1953 that introduces Flipism philosophy, which supports a rather radical anecdotal variant: make all decisions by flipping a coin. Piet Hein or Rothstein character idea is much better than Flipism, of course. Does anyone knows any older sources of the same idea?

7 November 2012

Pablo Lorenzzoni: That s a lot to do!

Reading about Michael Stapelberg s codesearch I bet a lot of people had the same idea. I just had to post a screenshot of it: It seems we have a lot to fix :-)

24 June 2012

Pablo Lorenzzoni: Zotero and note-taking

I was looking for an excuse to try Zotero and the perfect opportunity appeared when I got a whole lot of references to group for a month of Magnetic Ressonance studies I am currently taking. I was also pleased to notice it is packaged to Debian. I am used to note-taking software. Back when I used a Palm m130 (and a Treo 650), I managed a lot of Memos I eventually migrated to Note-Everything in my current Android phone. Zotero, unfortunatelly, is not interfaceable with my phone (or I was still unable to figure out how to do so), but it s powerful in managing references beyond simple note-taking. Is anyone using Zotero in a more ambitious way? I ve read about people using it to keep large researchs to support fiction and non-fiction book-writing I also watched some YouTube videos on it. As far as I went with it, Zotero might become an important piece in my toolbox wrt reference keeping, so I was just trying to figure out how many other niches it can fill

